Kategori Pos Parkir & Produk
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Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

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Products - Palang Parkir
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 5.5 m - For securing junctions with differing lane widths - For Traffic H1 horizontal booms
Specifications - For barrier widths of up to 6 m - Can be combined with beam skirt and anti-climb protection (option) - For Access Pro-H
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 6 m - Can be equipped with warning lights - For Traffic H1 horizontal booms
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 3 m - For all toll barriers Toll, Toll Pro and Toll HighSpeed
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 10 m - Can be combined with beam skirt and anti-climb protection (option) - For Access XL2 and Access XXL
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 3 m - Swing-away flange protects the boom and terminal during collisions - For all toll barriers
Specifications: - Prevents crawling below the barrier - For effective security for protected areas - For Access Pro-H, Access XL2, Access XXL, Traffic H1
Specifications: - Skirt height 1300 mm - Prevents crawling below and climbing over barriers - For Access Pro-H, Access XL2, Access XXL
Specifications: - Skirt height 1800 mm - Prevents crawling below and climbing over barriers - For Access Pro-H, Access XL2, Access XXL
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 3 m - Disengages during collisions without damaging vehicle - For all toll barriers
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