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Pintu Otomatis
6004 Column Mount Swing Gate Operator
The DKS residential column mount swing gate operator offers convenience and reliability in a compact design. The Model 6004 is ideal to operate swing gates that are mounted on large columns. The 6004 mounts directly on the column and simplifies installation by eliminating the need to cut niches on the column and there is no need for concrete pads. Using a strong gear reduction system, there is no need to worry about hydraulic leaks, check valves or pumps. The 6004 features a keyed release system that allows the gate to be moved by hand if a system failure should occur.
- Fully enclosed drive mechanism
- Adjustable built in limit switches precisely control the start / stop speed, and travel of gate for smooth operation
- 24 VDC operating power
- Batteries included
- Built-in battery charger
- Ports for Exit and Reverse plug-in loop detectors
- 90° in approximately 12 seconds
- Gate overlap feature for dual gate operation
- Magnetic lock power circuit
- Built-in reset and test buttons
- Maximum run timer
- Built-in high current warning
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