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6400 In-Ground Swing Gate Operator
Pintu Otomatis
6400 In-Ground Swing Gate Operator

THE MODEL 6400 installs in-ground making it virtually invisible and satisfies the most sophisticated automation needs without being detrimental to the original gate design. Invisible and powerful, the motor/drive mechanism is constructed in die-cast aluminum with a special corrosion-proof treatment, and because the drive unit is gear driven, there is no need to worry about hydraulic leaks, check valves or pumps. The underground self-supporting foundation box is built from corrosion-proof steel and has a galvanized steel cover. A lockable manual release lever is designed so that it can be operated from inside or outside the gate.


  • Internal adjustable limit switches.
  • Slow start / slow stop.
  • Overlap feature for dual swing gate operation.
  • Magnetic lock output.
  • Ports for plug-in loop detectors.
  • 24 VDC operating power.
  • Built-in battery back-up.
  • Separate control panel.
  • Keyed release for manual operation.
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