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Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com
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Informasi Tentang Pos Parkir & Produk Kami |
Palang Parkir
Traffic H1
- High functionality for numerous special applications
- Patented folding boom for safety at indoor crossings with differing lane widths
- Low power consumption for economical operation
- Optimum accessibility for particularly simple maintenance
For demanding security tasks
As horizontal barriers, the Traffic H1 is a specialist in vehicle and pedestrian management. It is not only used for blocking access to tunnels and lanes. It exploits its full potential when controlling junctions where traffic alternates in longitudinal and transverse directions. It is therefore not only the optimal solution for road traffic, but also for protecting material flows in production plants. With its patented folding boom, the Traffic H1 can therefore even block crossings where the ratio of lane widths in the longitudinal and transverse directions is greater than 2:1. At the heart of the Traffic H1 is the innovative MHTM™ drive, characterised by its energy efficiency, lack of maintenance, and long service life.
Pos parkir cocok untuk manajemen lahan perparkiran seperti di mall/supermarket, gedung perkantoran, gedung pemerintahan serta lahan parkir lainnya. Kami juga menerima pemasangan pos parkir di Jakarta, Tangerang, Surabaya, Bekasi, Bogor, Bandung, Depok, Semarang, Bali, Kalimantan, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Riau, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Jambi, Lampung, Medan, Yogyakarta, Banda Aceh, Makasar, Manado, Nusa Tenggara, Papua dan Jayapura. Jangan ragu hubungi kami sekarang juga!
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