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Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

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Informasi Tentang Pos Parkir & Produk Kami
Access XL2
Palang Parkir
Access XL2


  • Barrier width of up to 8.5 m
  • Opening and closing times of minimum 6.0 s
  • High security with optional security boom skirt
  • Limited approval for use with movement of persons

For particularly wide lanes
With its barrier width of up to 8.5 m and the optional security grating or security grating with climb-over prevention, the Access XL2 is the ideal solution for extra-wide or multi-lane entrances to freight forwarders, company grounds and port facilities. The control system of the Access XL2 offers a wide range of functions and numerous expansion potentials through the use of plug-in modules. There are five slots for, e.g. an Ethernet interface, a radio module or a counting module for determining the number of parking spaces still available. All inputs and outputs can be individually configured by the user. Users can choose from numerous input and output functions. The opening and closing times can each be selected from three levels independently of one another.

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