Kategori Pos Parkir & Produk
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Jl. Bandengan Utara
Kompleks Bandengan Indah Blok A 31-32
Jakarta Utara - Indonesia
Telp. +62 (021) 6627526, 6627527
Mobile. 08121831578, 08129679108
E-mail. wsautomatic@yahoo.com

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Products - Palang Parkir
Specifications - Opening and closing times of minimum 0. 3 s - Very low operating costs due to efficient and long-lived MHTM™ drive - Very user-friendly and optimum accessibility - Prize-winning design: 2014 German Design Award and ...
Specifications - High functionality for numerous special applications - Patented folding boom for safety at indoor crossings with differing lane widths - Low power consumption for economical operation - Optimum accessibility for particularly ...
Specificarions - For barrier widths of up to 6 m - Breakaway flange (option in Parking Pro) - For Access, Access-L, Access Pro, Access Pro-L
Specifications: - For barrier widths up to 5 m - Extension set offers space for information and advertising - For Access, Access-L, Access Pro, Access Pro-L
Specifications: - For barrier widths of up to 6 m - Improved visibility due to energy-efficient lighting elements - LEDs are red while closed and green when open - For Access, Access-L, Access Pro, Access Pro-L
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